Can I view items for sale without registering?
Yes you can view items for sale without being registered but you will not be able to make an offer or see the seller’s information. There are other benefits to being a registered user so please read About Us.
When I make an offer how long before I get a response from the seller?
When a user makes an offer the seller is sent an email immediately so the seller has the opportunity to respond promptly. The email to the seller will have your contact details to allow the seller to communicate with you.
Can my offer be too low?
The seller can set a minimum price that they would not go below and ask the application to send and automatic reply to users who make an offer below this amount. The offer will still be sent to the seller. The seller has the option to activate or deactivate this auto-reply feature.
Is there an auto-reply feature for offers that are above the minimum?
Yes there is an auto reply feature that will send an email to the user indicating that their offer is above the minimum amount set by the seller. This feature may be activated or deactivated by the seller.
Can I submit multi-offers?
Yes you may submit multiple offers but that may confuse the seller so it is best to think carefully about your offer before sending it.
How can I know if the item is still available for purchase?
The seller is expected to change the status to “sold” so that the item will not appear in the system as active (available). However, sellers may not do this promptly so it is possible for an item to appear as active shortly after it is sold. If a seller receives an offer for an item that has been sold the offer will act as a reminder to remove it and should send an appropriate response to the offer.
Does the website administration help to resolve issues with buyers and sellers?
Unfortunately the website operator and administrator do not play and role in the pre or post sale activities. The website operator and administrator only provide a platform for buyers and sellers to get connected and play to other role and is not responsible for the outcome of the transaction.